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Air spraying equipment series
Air spraying is a kind of application process widely used in light industry, ironware and furniture article industries.It uses compressed air to form a negative pressure when flowing across nozzle, such negative pressure causes paint to be sucked from the suction pipe and from the nozzle and form a paint mist. Such mist shall form an even paint film on the surface of the components being sprayed.
Model W-71/77 Spray gun Model HVLP Spray gun of large flux and low pressure Model LVMP Spray gun of small flux and mid  pressure Model H-827 Spray gun
Model W-71/77 Spray gun Model HVLP Spray gun of large flux and low pressure Model LVMP Spray gun of small flux and mid pressure Model H-827 Spray gun
Automatic spray gun Fine air spray equipment Automatic mixing pressure feeding Pneumatic type double-diaphragm pump
Automatic spray gun Fine air spray equipment Automatic mixing pressure feeding Pneumatic type double-diaphragm pump


Air Spray Equipment:Airless spray uses compressed air spray method for spray paint, is widely used in the automotive , furniture and many other industries,it can be said to be a convenient handling, easy color replacement,fine fog effects and it can get high quality surface coating .Air gun according to the shape and size of the workpiece adjustable spray shape (round or fan), and spray rate (the size of the fan), to maximize the yield coatings.So far, this method is still popular .But,this method transfer efficiency is only 25% -40%, wavy spray often lead to rebound and overspray and other weakness, not only a waste of paint, also caused quite a bit of pollution of the environment.Due to paint and compression air directly contact, so the compression air requirements purification processing, otherwise the water and oil in the compression air mix into paint,will makes coating produced bubble or white lost light , so, it needs to add received separation adsorption filter device or frozen dry filter device , oil filter gas device in compression air pipeline to purification compression air, special in South and the rainy season ,air humidity larger , more explicit necessary.
Air spray gun by mode of supply can be divided into three types: pressure, siphon and gravity .Pressure spray gun by pressure tank or pressure double diaphragm pumps carry paint to spray gun.Gun itself without the tank, reducing the weight of gun, reduced working intensity, particularly suitable for continuous uninterrupted operation, avoid feeding causes downtime and improve efficiency in order to achieve the best spraying quality.Can be used in any position and angle of the gun operation.Commonly used models:LS Double diaphragm pumps Husky307、Spray gun W-71、WA-2000、F-Y-1.1-P.Lower part of the siphon spray gun with tank, the front part of compressed air spray gun creates a low-pressure vacuum, atmospheric pressure will carry paint from the paint tank to spray gun, paint tank is divided into 600ml and 1000ml two types , according spray volume to choice type.Through the airbrush compressed air can work without additional equipment.But generally only horizontal operation, tilt of the spray gun restrictions. Siphon suitable for various coatings,commonly used models LSW-71、LSWA-2000。
Gravity spray gun with paint cans at the upper part, by gravity carry paint to spray gun, depending on where the axis of the tank gun, can be divided into the side type and central type.During the course of operations, central type limit gun tilt ,side spray enables the operator to a different location, while the tank remains vertical. -Side weakness is the small size of paint cans, generally 400ml.
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